Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

The alarm clock goes off and your eyes shoot open. There's no need for the snooze button today. You're awake and ready to go. The morning routine is completed with purpose. There is something waiting out there, on the horizon, something big (Game 6).

As you settle into the day, you find that purpose and focus begin to shift somewhere else (Game 6), shifting to baseball. The match-ups fill your head. An endless stream of scenarios, both good and bad, begin to grow exponentially in your head. Slumps, pitching, hot bats. A celebration? A Game 7? Work seems harder to concentrate on, it seems so distant from where your mind is. The worries grow a little. The hope, a little bit more.

Your routine is the same as it always is, but as the day lengthens, the routine seems to grow more tiresome and old (Game 6). You don't want to think about it anymore. You'll worry about it when it gets here (Game 6). But you can't escape the thoughts. But you're forced to be patient.

And so, you wait. And it's hard. It's hard because this World Series has consumed you. And, though you have no control over the outcome, you just want it to start. You want to just be in that moment, to live with the game.

You tell yourself; "It will be here soon." Game 6 is no longer a whisper on the horizon, it is visible. And it's possibilities are limitless. You can feel it, it's close. But it's not here yet. And so, you wait...

-Mike Tursi

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